Franciscan Prayers for Study

The following are two prayers one of my professors gave us to be used before and after class. Though he usually forgets to pray the latter, we always the pray the former. They are obscure prayers translated, I think, by my professor from a 17th-century Franciscan book. Through the use of them, I hope we can all dedicate all of our work and all of our time to Christ Jesus our Lord.

Before Class

Most high God of truth,
Enlighten our minds.

Love of the Holy Trinity,

Hasten to help us.

May charity set our minds on fire,

may truth bring us to love:

so that as much as we know you,

so much may we love you.

To the praise of your glory,

Direct our studies:
So that after the course of this life

We may enjoy you in heaven.

R./ Amen.

After Class

Through you, Jesus, be directed
The work of our minds.

In you Jesus, be ended

The class of this day.

O Mary, Good Mother,
May our hearts not be cold.
But through these sacred studies,

Serve better in love.

What we have accomplished in study,

we offer to you, O Jesus,
What has been lacking in our study,

May you grant us, O Jesus.

R./ Amen.

I hope this post is helpful to you. God Bless.

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!

Nota Bene: These prayers are from the Ritual of the Recollect Friars Minor of the Province of St. Francis in France [Rituale Fratrum Minorum Recollectorum Provinciae S. Francisci in Gallia], printed in 1630. I think they were translated by my professor, Fr. Conrad Harkins, O.F.M., Ph.D., though I could be mistaken. The icon of St. Francis was written by my friend Nathan Augustine over at Pilgrim Iconography.


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