Byzantine Psalmody Index

This is the base page for my series/project on Byzantine psalmody.  Below are links to posts in the series, other posts on sacred music, a list of abbreviations for works I use throughout the series, and links to other Church documents on sacred music.

  1. Why Should I Care About Byzantine Psalmody? (4/12/12)
  2. A Quick History and the Notes (4/12/12) 
  3. The Ten Basic Neumes (Part 1) (4/22/12)


BM = Byzantine Music in Theory and in Practice by Prof. Savas I. Savas, trans. Nicholas Dufault, Boston: Hercules Press, 1965.
BP = Byzantine Prosomia: The Chanter's Companion by Holy Transfiguration Monastery (2005).
DMS = De musica sacra et sacra liturgia, Instruction by the Sacred Congregation for Rites (9/3/1958)
GMEOC = A Guide to the Music of the Eastern Orthodox Church by N. Lungu, G. Costea, and I. Croitoru, trans. Nicholas K. Apostola, Brookline: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1984.
GTM = Great Theory of Music by Chrysanthos of Madytos, trans. Katy G. Romanou (1973).
MSe = Musicae Sacrae, Encyclical by Ven. Pope Pius XII (12/25/1955)
MSm = Musicam Sacram, Instruction by the Sacred Congregation for Rites (3/5/1967)
SC = Sacrosanctum Concilium, Constitution by the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) (12/4/1963)
TlS = Tra le Sollecitudini, Motu Proprio by Pope St. Pius X (11/22/1903)

Other related documents:

Divini Cultus, Apostolic Constitution by Pope Pius XI (12/20/1929)
Jubilate Deo by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (4/14/1974)
Mediator Dei, Encyclical by Ven. Pope Pius XII (11/20/1947)
Voluntatis Obsequens, Letter by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (4/14/1974)

For more documents on the liturgy, see my links to Church documents on the sacraments.

Pope St. Gregory the Great, pray for us!

St. Ephraim, Harp of the Holy Spirit, pray for us!


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