New Unpublication: Two Views of Mary's Faith

Back in 2016, I drafted a paper contrasting two views of Mary's doubt and faith at the time of the Annunciation.  The first view was that of St. Jacob of Serugh (452-521), one of the most famous Syriac homilists; the second view is that of Antipater of Bostra (fl. 457), a Greek metropolitan, well-regarded for his writings against Apollinarianism and the heresies of Origenism, though only fragments have so far been discovered.  For St. Jacob, I had to rely on English translations of some of his Marian homilies; for Antipater, I was able to use the original Greek of what few homilies survive.  

I tried submitting the paper to a journal or two, but I never was able to get it published.  (I have a bit of antipathy with academic journals.)  After a few rejections, the paper, like much of my work, languished in an electronic box for years.  Now I've uploaded it, so that it might, at least, be read once or twice by other eyes.

Two Views of Mary's Faith




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