Documents of the Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff

One of the many fairly-obscure groups in the Roman Curia is the Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff.  Though it has earlier roots—Pope Pius IV gave certain rights to the Masters of Our Ceremonies in 1563—it was officially instituted as a curial College by Pope Benedict XV in 1917; after Vatican II, in the course of various curial reshuffles, it became an office instead of a college.  (The Office provides a history of itself, but only in Italian.) 

As its name suggests, its main role is in arranging the pope's liturgical celebrations, preparing their booklets, keeping records of them, etc.  So one can consult their online archive, going back to 2000, for lists of papal liturgical celebrations and their causes, sometimes with pictures, sometimes with bits of homilies, sometimes with videos, sometimes with PDFs of the full booklets handed out during the celebration.

Yet, along with the minutiae and the bookkeeping, the Office has also prepared many documents to assist in arranging liturgical celebrations, often dealing with highly-specific topics, like the history of the use of the staff (ferula) in papal liturgies.  These documents can be quite interesting, both for liturgical history and esoterica, as well as for more general liturgical guidance, such as the document on "The Noble Simplicity of Liturgical Vestments."  (I cited this in my recent post "The Psychology of 'Smells and Bells.'")

Unfortunately, after some website redesign over the past few years, the links to these publications have disappeared.  The Office's website still has a page for publications, but it is empty.

Thankfully, the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine can save the day.

The latest capture of the English-language publications page for the Office is from 11/25/2021, and it can be found here:  Not every document is available in English, but this page provides links to the Italian original of every document.  This page includes a list of documents on "the priest and [aspect of the liturgy]," as well as a number of documents grouped under the title "Spirit of the Liturgy."  (Since these documents are from 2010-2012, during Pope Benedict XVI's reign, the title is very à propos.)  

Yet this list is not complete; I located a separate list of documents—also no longer available on the current website—that appear to date from 2009.  These are not found in the list linked above.  Oddly, despite the age of these documents, it appears they were updated fairly recently before their disappearance: for instance, the document on "The Staff" (dated 11/17/2009, according to its URL) includes pictures of Pope Francis.  This additional list of documents can be found here:  (I'm indebted to this 2010 article from New Liturgical Movement for pointing me towards this list; they provided the Vatican's URL, which I was able to find in the Wayback Machine.)

EDIT: Further research has located two additional collections of documents.

One is simply a collection of papal teachings on the liturgy, with one section regarding Pope Benedict XVI, and one regarding Pope Francis.  This collection can be found here:

The second collection is more interesting, as it relates to the Office itself.  It is a collection of interviews and publications by the Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations.  The majority of these are only available in Italian, but it is still an intriguing collection, particularly because of its more topical nature, as well as its age: unlike the other collections (which only reach back to 2009, as far as I can tell), this collection has some documents dating back to 1998.  Another odd feature is that some of the pages for individual documents are still active on the Vatican's website (such as this document on the Opening of the Holy Door for the 2000 Jubilee), but the navigation pages with lists of documents are not.  This collection can be found here:

It's possible there are other documents hiding at other URLs, but this is what I have located so far.  It's a pity that these documents aren't currently accessible outside of archives, but I'm glad they still exist somewhere online.


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