Book Release: "Joan of Arc" by Maurice Barrès


Joan of Arc: Hero of Lorraine, Hero of France, Hero of Christendom

Selected Writings by Maurice Barrès

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Newly-released is a collection of writings by Maurice Barrès (1862-1923).  Barrès was a novelist, traveloguist, and politician.  Among his political accomplishments was successfully pushing for France to establish a national feast of Joan of Arc and patriotism, celebrated on the second Sunday of May: due to Barrès' efforts, this feast was established in 1920, shortly after Joan's canonization, and it is celebrated to this day.

The core of this volume is a collection of articles Barrès wrote during World War I, relating to this drive for a national feast.  To supplement, I have also included some earlier, more lyrical essays on Joan of Arc's childhood, and a chapter from a travelogue about his visit, with his son, to Joan's hometown of Domrémy.  Appendices also include selections from Barrès' journals relating to Joan of Arc, and fragments and notes regarding The Childhood of Jeanne d'Arc: A Myth, an unfinished play.

This new translation is available in both paperback and eBook formats; as with my other eBooks, it can be read for free by subscribers to Kindle Unlimited.


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