A Coptic Litany to the Cross


Hail to you, Cross,

 joying of Christians!

 Hail to you, Cross,

 crushing of tyrants!

 Hail to you, Cross,

firming of faithful!

Hail to you, Cross,

comfort of faithful!

Hail to you, Cross,

firming of martyrs!

Hail to you, Cross,

victory's weapon!

Hail to you, Cross,

throne of the King!

Hail to you, Cross,

sign of salvation!

Hail to you, Cross,

O shining light!

Hail to you, Cross,

sword of the Spirit!

Hail to you, Cross,

fountain of grace!

Hail to you, Cross,

storehouse of goods!

Hail to you, Cross,

to age upon age!


Nota Bene: This litany is adapted from a Coptic liturgical text; see Service of the Deacons: Rites and Hymns of the Liturgies and Services of the Coptic Orthodox Church (Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States, 2010), 255-256.  

Adaptation ©2024 Brandon P. Otto.  Licensed via CC BY-NC.  Feel free to redistribute non-commercially, as long as credit is given to the translator.


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