Church Documents: Church Councils

This is a collection of links to English translations of Church councils and documents relating to them found on-line. It is part of my Church Documents project.


The First Seven Ecumenical Councils

?/?/325: Documents of the First Council of Nicea (Nicea I)

?/?/381: Documents of First Council of Constantinople (Constantinople I)

?/?/431: Documents of Council of Ephesus

?/?/451: Documents of Council of Chalcedon

?/?/553: Documents of Second Council of Constantinople (Constantinople II)

?/?/681: Documents of Third Council of Constantinople (Constantinople III)

?/?/787: Documents of Second Council of Nicea (Nicea II)

?/?/787: Decree of Second Council of Nicea (Nicea II)

The Other Ecumenical Councils
?/?/870: Canons of the Fourth Council of Constantinople (Constantinople IV)

3/27/1123: Canons of the First Lateran Council (Lateran I)

4/17/1139: Canons of the Second Lateran Council (Lateran II)

3/19/1179: Canons of the Third Lateran Council (Lateran III)

?/?/1179: Decree Concerning Papal Elections by the Third Lateran Council (Lateran III)

?/?/1215: Canons of the Fourth Lateran Council (Lateran IV)

?/?/1245: Documents of the First Council of Lyons (Lyons I)

?/?/1274: Canons (Constitutions) of the Second Council of Lyons (Lyons II)

?/?/1312: Documents of the Council of Vienne

?/?/1418: Documents of the Council of Constance

?/?/1445: Documents of the Council of Florence (Basel/Ferrara/Florence/Rome)

?/?/1517: Documents of the Fifth Lateran Council (Lateran V)

?/?/1563: Documents of the Council of Trent7/18/1870: Documents of the First Vatican Council (Vatican I)?/?/1965: Documents of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II)

Local Councils

?/?/257: Documents of Council of Carthage (Under Cyprian)

?/?/314: Canons of Council of Ancyra

?/?/315: Canons of Council of Neocaesarea

?/?/341: Documents of Synod of Antioch in Encaeniis?/?/343: Documents of Synod of Gangra

?/?/344: Documents of Council of Sardica

?/?/382: Documents of Synod of Constantinople

?/?/390: Documents of Synod of Laodicea

?/?/400: Creed of the First Council of Toledo (Toledo I)

?/?/419: Documents of Council of Carthage

?/?/529: Canons of Council of Orange

?/?/633: On the Keeping of Slaves by the Fourth Council of Toledo (Toledo IV)

11/7/675: Symbol of Faith by the Eleventh Council of Toledo (Toledo XI)

?/?/692: Canons of Council in Trullo (Quinisext Council)

?/?/1074: Decree on Simony and Celibacy by Council of Rome

Documents on Councils

11/13/1565: Iniunctum Nobis by Pope Pius IV [Partial]
Bull: On the Tridentine Creed [Summary of teaching of Council of Trent]

12/25/1931: Lux Veritatis by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On the Council of Ephesus
9/8/1951: Sempiternus Rex Christus by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: On the Council of Chalcedon
3/25/1981: A Concilio Constantinopolitano I by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Letter: For the 1600th Anniversary of the First Council of Constantinople and the 1550th Anniversary of the Council of Ephesus

Vatican II
12/25/1961: Humanae Salutis by Pope Bl. John XXIII
Apostolic Constitution: Solemnly Convoking the Second Vatican Council

1/25/1964: Sacram Liturgiam by Pope Paul VI
Motu Proprio: Implementing Sacrosanctum Concilium [Vatican II]

9/26/1964: Inter Oecumenici by the Sacred Congregation of Rites
Instruction: On Implementing Liturgical Norms [First Instruction on Sacrosanctum Concilium]

12/8/1965: In Spiritu Sancto by Pope Paul VI
Apostolic Brief: For the Closing of the Council [Vatican II]

8/6/1966: Ecclesiae Sanctae by Pope Paul VI
Motu Proprio: Implementing the Following Decrees of Vatican Council II: Christus Dominus, Presbyterorum Ordinis, Perfectae Caritatis, Ad Gentes Divinitus

3/4/1967: Tres Abhinc Annos by the Sacred Congregation of Rites
Instruction: On the Orderly Carrying Out of the Constitution on the Liturgy [Second Instruction on Sacrosanctum Concilium]

9/5/1970: Liturgicae Instaurationes by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship
Instruction: On the Orderly Carrying Out of the Constitution on the Liturgy
[Third Instruction on Sacrosanctum Concilium]

12/04/1988: Vicesimus Quintus Annus by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Letter: On the 25th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Conciliar Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium on the Sacred Liturgy [Vatican II]

3/29/1994: Varietates Legitimae by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Instruction: Inculturation and the Roman Liturgy [Fourth Instruction on Sacrosanctum Concilium]

3/28/2001: Liturgiam Authenticam by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Instruction: On the Use of Vernacular Languages in the Publication of the Books of the Roman Liturgy [Fifth Instruction on Sacrosanctum Concilium]

12/04/2003: Spiritus et Sponsa by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Letter: On the 40th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium [Vatican II]


  1. Hello,
    Your link for the Council of Florence seems to be broken.


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