Church Documents: Vatican Organizations

This is a collection of links to English translations of Church relating to Vatican organizations found on-line. It is part of my Church Documents project.

Roman Curia

12/7/1965: Integrae Servandae by Pope Paul VI
Motu Proprio: Forming the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

6/28/1998: Pastor Bonus by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Constitution: On the Reorganization of the Roman Curia

8/30/2011: Quaerit Semper by Pope Benedict XVI
Motu Proprio: With Which the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus Is Amended

Pontifical Councils/Commissions

2/22/1959: Boni Pastoris by Pope Bl. John XXIII
Motu Proprio: Establishing the Pontifical Commission for Motion Pictures, Radio, and Television

2/11/1985: Dolentium Hominum by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: Establishing Pontifical Commission for the Apostolate of Health Care Workers

7/2/1988: Ecclesia Dei by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: Establishing the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei

3/25/1993: Inde a Pontificatus by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: The Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for Dialogue With Non-Believers Are United

7/2/2009: Ecclesiae Unitatem by Pope Benedict XVI
Motu Proprio: Concerning the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei

9/21/2010: Ubicumque et Semper by Pope Benedict XVI
Motu Proprio: Establishing the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

9/15/1965: Apostolica Sollicitudo by Pope Paul VI
Motu Proprio: Establishing the Synod of Bishops for the Universal Church

8/6/1982: Tredecim Anni by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: Definitive Statues Established for the International Theological Commission
[pp. xii-xv]

1/1/1994: Socialium Scientiarum by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: Establishing the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

2/11/1994: Vitae Mysterium by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: Establishing the Pontifical Academy for Life

11/10/2012: Latina Lingua by Pope Benedict XVI
Motu Proprio: Establishing the Pontifical Latin Academy


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