Church Documents: Jesus Christ

This is a collection of links to English translations of Church documents relating (specifically) to Jesus Christ found on-line. It is part of my Church Documents project.


6/30/1960: Inde a Primis by Pope Bl. John XXIII
Apostolic Letter: On Promoting Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Sacred Heart

5/25/1889: Annum Sacrum by Pope Leo XIII
Encyclical: On Consecration to the Sacred Heart

5/8/1928: Miserentissimus Redemptor by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On Reparation to the Sacred Heart

5/3/1932: Caritate Christi Compulsi by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On the Sacred Heart

5/15/1956: Haurietis Aquas by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: On Devotion to the Sacred Heart


11/12/1323: Cum inter nonnullos by Pope John XXII
Declaration: Against the heresy of absolute poverty

: Tametsi Futura Prospicientibus by Pope Leo XIII
Encyclical: On Jesus Christ the Redeemer

12/11/1925: Quas Primas by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On the Feast of Christ the King


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