Church Documents: Ecclesiology/Priesthood

This is a collection of links to English translations of Church documents relating to ecclesiology, the priesthood, ecumenism (not counting Eastern Christianity, which has its own page), and missions found on-line. It is part of my Church Documents project.

Nota Bene: More documents relating to the clergy can be found under Education and under Sacraments.


11/18/1302: Unam Sanctam by Pope Boniface VIII
Bull: One God, One Faith, One Spiritual Authority

2/4/1442: Cantate Domino by Pope Eugene IV [Partial]
Bull: No Salvation Outside the Church

6/29/1896: Satis cognitum by Pope Leo XIII
Encyclical: On the Unity of the Church

6/21/1943: Mystici Corporis Christi by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: On the Mystical Body of Christ

10/7/1954: Ad Sinarum Gentem by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: On the Supranationality of the Church

8/6/1964: Ecclesiam Suam by Pope Paul VI
Encyclical: On the Church

12/7/1990: Redemptoris Missio by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Encyclical: On the Permanent Validity of the Church's Missionary Mandate

5/28/1992: Communionis Notio by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Letter: On Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion

8/6/2000: Dominus Iesus by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Declaration: On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church

4/17/2003: Ecclesia de Eucharistia by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Encyclical: On the Eucharist and Its Relationship to the Church

5/31/2004: On the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

2/22/2007: Sacramentum Caritatis by Pope Benedict XVI
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation: On the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church's Life and Mission

Ecumenism (Non-Eastern)

10/?/1199: Constitution for the Jews by Pope Innocent III

?/?/1204: The Keeping of Slaves by the Jews by Pope Innocent III

10/7/1272: Papal Protection of the Jews by Pope Bl. Gregory X

7/14/1555: Cum Nimis Absurdum by Pope Paul IV
Bull: Laws and Ordinances to Be Followed by Jews Living in the Holy See

6/14/1751: A Quo Primum by Pope Benedict XIV
Enyclical: On Jews and Christians Living in the Same Place

8/1/1754: Quod Provinciale by Pope Benedict XIV
Encyclical: On Christians Using Mohammedan Names

2/22/1755: Beatus Andreas by Pope Benedict XIV
Bull: On the Canonization of Andreas of Rinn and Simon of Trent [Judaism]

9/13/1758: A Quo Die by Pope Clement XIII
Encyclical: On Unity Among Christians

6/20/1894: Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae by Pope Leo XIII
Apostolic Letter: The Reunion of Christendom

9/18/1896: Apostolicae Curae by Pope Leo XIII
Bull: On the Nullity of Anglican Orders

1/6/1928: Mortalium Animos by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On Religious Unity

12/20/1949: On the "Ecumenical Movement" by the Holy Office

11/11/1961: Aeterna Dei Sapientia by Pope Bl. John XXIII
Encyclical: On Commemorating the Fifteenth Centennial of the Death of Pope St. Leo I: The See of Peter as the Center of Christian Unity

5/25/1995: Ut Unum Sint by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Encyclical: On Commitment to Ecumenism

11/4/2009: Anglicanorum Coetibus by Pope Benedict XVI
Apostolic Constitution: Providing for Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans Entering Into Full Communion With the Catholic Church

11/4/2009: Complementary Norms for the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith


?/?/1078: Decree Forbidding Lay Investiture by Pope Gregory VII

2/12/1111: Decree on Lay Investiture by Pope Paschal II

12/30/1988: Christifideles Laici by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation: On the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World

5/24/1990: Donum Veritatis by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Instruction: On the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian

8/15/1997: Ecclesiae in Mysterio by Congregation for the Clergy [and others]
Instruction: On Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of the Priest


12/3/1880: Sancta Dei Civitas by Pope Leo XIII
Encyclical: On Mission Societies

11/20/1890: Catholicae Ecclesiae by Pope Leo XIII
Encyclical: On Slavery in the Missions

2/28/1926: Rerum Ecclesiae by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On Catholic Missions

6/2/1951: Evangelii Praecones by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: On Promotion of Catholic Missions

4/21/1957: Fidei Donum by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: On the Present Condition of the Catholic Missions, Especially in Africa

11/28/1959: Princeps Pastorum by Pope Bl. John XXIII
Encyclical: On the Missions, Native Clergy, and Lay Participation

12/7/1990: Redemptoris Missio by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Encyclical: On the Permanent Validity of the Church's Missionary Mandate

4/25/2001: Instruction on the Sending Abroad and Sojourn of Diocesan Priests from Mission Territories by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples


?/?/c, 96: Letter to the Corinthians by Pope Clement I

4/12/1059: Papal Election Decree by Pope Nicholas II

?/?/1075: Dictatus Papae by Pope Gregory VII

?/?/1179: Decree Concerning Papal Elections by Third Council of the Lateran (Lateran III) 

2/22/1996: Universi Dominici Gregis by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Constitution: On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff


?/?/1078: Decree Forbidding Lay Investiture by Pope Gregory VII

2/12/1111: Decree on Lay Investiture by Pope Paschal II

2/25/1296: Clericis Laicos by Pope Boniface VIII
Bull: On the Rights of the Clergy

9/17/1759: Cum Primum by Pope Clement XIII
Encyclical: On Observing Canonical Sanctions

9/21/1769: Decet Quam Maxime by Pope Clement XIV
Encyclical: On Abuses in Taxes and Benefices

9/23/1950: Menti Nostrae by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Apostolic Exhortation: Thoughts for the Clergy of the World

3/25/1980: Postquam apostoli by the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy
Instruction: Directives for Collaboration among Local Churches and in particular for a Better Distribution of the Clergy

5/24/1990: Donum Veritatis by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Instruction: On the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian


5/14/1978: Mutuae Relationes by the Sacred Congregation for Religious and for Secular Institutes and the Sacred Congregation for Bishops
Directives for the Mutual Relations Between Bishops and Religious in the Church

7/22/1998: Apostolos Suos by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: On the Theological and Juridical Nature of Episcopal Conferences

10/16/2003: Pastores Gregis by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation: On the Bishop, Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World


2/22/1998: Directorium Pro Ministerio et Vita Diaconorum Permanentium by the Congregation for the Clergy
Directory: For the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons


8/4/1908: Haerent Animo by Pope St. Pius X
Apostolic Constitution: To the Catholic Clergy on Priestly Sanctity

12/20/1935: Ad Catholici Sacerdotii by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On the Catholic Priesthood

6/24/1967: Sacerdotalis Caelibatus by Pope Paul VI
Encyclical: On the Celibacy of the Priest

10/15/1976: Inter Insigniores by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Declaration: On the Question of Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood

1/31/1994: Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests by the Congregation for the Clergy

5/22/1994: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Letter: On Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone

8/4/2002: The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community by the Congregation for the Clergy
Instruction: On Parish Priests

3/25/2012: Pastoral Guidelines for Fostering Vocations to Priestly Ministry by the Congregation for Catholic Education


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