Church Documents: Religious Life/Consecrated Life

This is a collection of links to English translations of Church documents relating to religious life and consecrated life found on-line. It is part of my Church Documents project.


6/17/1847: Ubi Primum by Pope Bl. Pius IX
Encyclical: On Discipline for Religious

2/2/1947: Provida Mater Ecclesia by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Apostolic Constitution: Concerning Secular Institutes

3/12/1948: Primo Feliciter by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Motu Proprio: On the Anniversary of Provida Mater Ecclesia

3/19/1948: Cum Sanctissimus by the Sacred Congregation for Religious
Instruction: On Implementing Provida Mater Ecclesia

3/25/1954: Sacra Virginitas by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: On Consecrated Virginity

2/2/1961: Religiosorum Institutio by the Sacred Congregation for Religious
Instruction: On the Careful Selection and Training of Candidates for the States of Perfection and Sacred Orders

1/6/1969: Renovationis Causam by the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes
Instruction: On the Renewal of Religious Formation

6/29/1971: Evangelica Testificatio by Pope Paul VI
Apostolic Exhortation: On the Renewal of the Religious Life According to the Teaching of the Second Vatican Council

5/14/1978: Mutuae Relationes by the Sacred Congregation for Religious and for Secular Institutes and the Sacred Congregation for Bishops
Directives for the Mutual Relations Between Bishops and Religious in the Church

3/25/1984: Redemptionis Donum by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Exhortation: [To Men and Women Religious] On Their Consecration in the Light of the Mystery of Redemption

2/19/1994: Fraternal Life in Community by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

3/25/1996: Vita Consecrata by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation: On the Consecrated Life and Its Mission in the Church and in the World

5/13/1999: Verbi Sponsa by
the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Instruction: On the Contemplative Life and on the Enclosure of Nuns

6/14/2002: Starting Afresh from Christ: A Renewed Commitment to Consecrated Life in the Third Millennium by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

10/28/2002: Consecrated Persons and Their Missions in Schools: Reflections and Guidelines by the Congregation for Catholic Education

9/8/2007: Educating Together in Catholic Schools: A Shared Mission Between Consecrated Persons and the Lay Faithful by the Congregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)

5/11/2008: Faciem tuam, Domine, requiram by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Instruction: The Service of Authority and Obedience


2/15/1133: Piae postulatio voluntatis by Pope Paschal II
Bull: Confirmation of the Foundation of the Order of St. John

6/8/1216: Cum a Nobis Petitur by Pope Innocent III
Bull: On the Rights and Property of the Order of St. Lazarus

12/22/1216: Religiosam Vitam by Pope Honorius III
Bull: On the Confirmation of the Order of Preachers

10/1/1247: Quae honorem conditoris omnium by Pope Innocent IV
Bull: On the Rule of Carmel


First Order (Order of Friars Minor)

6/11/1218: Cum Dilecti by Pope Honorius III
Bull: Recommending St. Francis and the Brothers of Penance

5/29/1220: Pio Dilectis by Pope Honorius III
Bull: Recommending the Order of Friars Minor

9/22/1220: Cum Secundum by Pope Honorius III
Bull: Establishing the Requirement of the Novitiate [Friars Minor]

11/29/1226: Solet Annuere by Pope Honorius III
Bull: On the Rule of the Friars Minor

8/14/1279: Exiit qui Seminat by Pope Nicholas III
Constitution: On the Confirmation of the Rule of the Friars Minor

5/6/1312: Exivi de Paradiso by Pope Clement V
Bull: On the Rule of the Friars Minor

11/10/1324: Quia Quorundam by Pope John XXII
Declaration: Explaining earlier papal statements in regards to the Rule of the Friars Minor

11/20/1679: Sollicitudo Pastoralis by Pope Innocent XI
Motu Proprio: On the Unmitigated Observance of the Rule of St. Francis

10/4/1909: Septimo iam by Pope St. Pius X
Apostolic Letter: Resolving certain controversies among the Orders of Friars Minor

Second Order (Poor Clares)

?/?/1216: Sicut Manifestum Est by Pope Innocent III
Bull: On the Privilege of Poverty [Poor Clares]

Third Order

8/17/1287: Supra montem by Pope Nicholas IV
Bull: On the Third Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis

5/30/1883: Misericors Dei Filius by Pope Leo XIII
Constitution: On the Law of the Franciscan Third Order Secular

1/6/1921: Sacra Propediem by Pope Benedict XV
Encyclical: On the Third Order of St. Francis

10/4/1927: Rerum Condico by Pope Pius XI
Apostolic Constitution: On the Approbation of the Rule of the Third Order Regular of the Seraphic Father St. Francis


5/16/1901: Gravissimas by Pope Leo XIII
Encyclical: On Religious Orders in Portugal

1/6/1998: In verbo tuo... by the Congress on Vocations to the Priesthood and to Consecrated Life in Europe
Final Document: New Vocations for a New Europe

4/18/2012: Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith  [United States of America]


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