Church Documents: Miscellaneous

This is a collection of links to English translations of Church documents found on-line that relate to any topic I could not find a way to place under any other topic.  It is part of my Church Documents project.

Nota Bene: If you have any good ideas on where to place these amid the other pages of my project, please let me know.


?/?/1455: Romanus pontifex ad illorum by Pope Callistus III
Bull: On the Ruined Churches of Cagliari

3/23/1534: [Untitled] by Pope Clement VII
Bull: Against the Divorce of Queen Katherine of England

2/24/1581: Inter Gravissimas by Pope Gregory XIII
Bull: Establishment of the Gregorian Calendar

12/25/1775: Inscrutabile by Pope Pius VI
Encyclical: On the Problems of the Pontificate

8/1/1854: Apostolicae Nostrae Caritatis by Pope Bl. Pius IX
Encyclical: Urging Prayers for Peace

4/27/1859: Cum Sancta Mater Ecclesia by Pope Bl. Pius IX
Encyclical: Pleading for Public Prayer

10/27/1867: Levate by Pope Bl. Pius IX
Encyclical: On the Afflictions of the Church

6/4/1871: Beneficia Dei by Pope Bl. Pius IX
Encyclical: On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Pontificate

8/5/1871: Saepe Venerabilis Fratres by Pope Bl. Pius IX
Encyclical: On Thanksgiving for Twenty-Five Years of Pontificate

4/1/1888: Quod Anniversarius by Pope Leo XIII
Encyclical: On His Sacerdotal Jubilee

6/20/1894: Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae by Pope Leo XIII
Apostolic Letter: The Reunion of Christendom

10/4/1903: E supremi by Pope St. Pius X
Encyclical: On the Restoration of All Things in Christ [Theme of Pontificate]

12/16/1910: The Scapular Medal by the Holy Office

12/20/1929: Mens Nostra by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On the Promotion of the Spiritual Exercises

12/23/1929: Quinquagesimo Ante by Pope Pius XI
Encyclical: On His Sacerdotal Jubilee

10/27/1940: Norunt Profecto by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Motu Proprio: Prescribing for the 24th of the Next Month of November the Celebration in All the World of Holy Sacrifices and Public Prayers, for the Present Necessities of the Human Race

4/15/1945: Communium Interpretes Dolorum by Ven. Pope Pius XII
Encyclical: Appealing for Prayers for Peace During May

6/29/1959: Ad Petri Cathedram by Pope Bl. John XXIII
Encyclical: On Truth, Unity, and Peace, in a Spirit of Charity [First Encyclical]

4/29/1965: Mense Maio by Pope Paul VI
Encyclical: On Prayers During May for Preservation of Peace

11/1/1970: Laudis Canticum by Pope Paul VI
Apostolic Constitution: Promulgating the Revised Book of the Liturgy of the Hours

2/2/1971: General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours by the Congregation for Divine Worship

3/4/1979: Redemptor Hominis by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Encyclical: At the Beginning of His Papal Ministry

11/28/1982: Ut Sit by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Constitution: By Which Opus Dei Is Erected as the Catholic Church's First Personal Prelature

4/21/1986: Spirituali Militum Curae by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Apostolic Constitution: On Military Ordinariates
[pp. 16-19 of PDF]

3/17/1999: Stella Maris by Pope Bl. John Paul II
Motu Proprio: On the Maritime Apostolate

6/29/1999: Letter Concerning Pilgrimage to Places Linked to the History of Salvation by Pope Bl. John Paul II

7/14/2000: Ardens Felicitatis by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Instruction: On Prayers of Healing

5/31/2005: The Ancient and Venerable Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI
Motu Proprio: For the Basilica of St. Paul-Outside-the-Walls and For Its Extra-Territorial Complex

11/9/2005: Totius Orbis by Pope Benedict XVI
Motu Proprio: For the Coordination of Pastoral Activities and Initiatives at the Basilica of St. Francis and of St. Mary of the Angels in Assis


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